University of Bradford Laboratory Student Placement



The placement with Gerry McDonnell in the metallurgy laboratory provided an opportunity to write a paper-based upon a previous second-year essay. This involved collecting various reports on knives together to create a synthesis. The placement strengthened my writing skills. I also did some analysis of an assemblage of knives using x-radiographs and took part in regular discussions about sampling strategies and methods.


During excavations at Anuradhapura sherds of buff-ware pottery were found with an interior coating of bitumen. These sherds were dated to the 5th-9th century during which time Sri Lanka became the main centre of trade in the Indian Ocean. Bitumen does not naturally occur in Sri Lanka therefore it must have come from elsewhere. The analysis of bitumen lined ceramics from Sri Lanka introduced me to new analytical techniques including GC-MS and stable isotopes. This placement introduced me to archaeological biomolecular research. This placement also resulted in another paper.